A History Lesson: Men of the Harlem Renaissance


When slavery ended, Jim Crow was king in the South, and the need to be free from oppression prompted African Americans to leave en masse in what would come to be called The Great Migration. Many of those fleeing the South found themselves in the all black metropolis known as Harlem, New York. What they found there, between the end of World War I (1914-1918) and the mid 1930s, was a cultural and artistic revolution like nothing the world had ever seen. African American writers, actors, and musicians were showing the world that their works were just as good if not better than those produced by the dominant society. Among these artists were Langston Hughes, Duke Ellington and Paul Robeson.

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Paul Von Blum, Senior Lecturer Emeritus in African American Studies at UCLA said “Langston Hughes is important because he was one of the early figures to show the dignity and the…

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Dear Nigerians – Five Things ->

Thank you Farouk!!!!!! Well said

Musings of a Crazy Nigerian

Dear Nigerians,

1. No, Boko Haram and the insurgency is not a conspiracy by the North or even Northern leaders to make Jonathan look bad. I hear grown intelligent men and women down here below the Niger spew this rubbish and it makes me boil. What the hell is wrong with people in this country? I recently saw on the internet that 85 percent of people in the South South and South East believe Boko Haram is a Northern conspiracy against Jonathan, they also believe there were no Chibok girls (see 2 below) So a region decides to destroy itself to make a leader look bad? Get out of here! People have died and it is an insult to their memory to question the legitimacy of their deaths by turning it into a conspiracy theory.

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Review: The Emperor of All Maladies

The Emperor of All MaladiesThe Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a thoroughly fascinating read. It is an in depth look into the history, science, and politics of medicine both as a a career and as therapy. It is a biography of our humanity through the lens or what might perhaps be the oldest disease that we have ever faced, Cancer. As such, it takes us through the fabric of who we are and what we can accomplish through tenacity, creativity, and a serendipitous confluence of seemingly disparate events.

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